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海阳康而爽服饰有限公司简介 海阳康而爽服饰有限公司创建于2000年6月,属针织加工企业,拥有进出口经营权。公司位于海阳辛安针织工业园,占地13900平方米,职工260人。南邻南海,北邻青威高速路,地理位置优越,交通十分便利。距青岛90公里,烟台110公里,威海150公里,属于三个城市中间地带。 公司拥有先进的缝纫设备,采用先进的工艺技术,严格的质量控制及科学的管理手段,年生产针织衫420万件。主要产品为圆领衫、T恤衫、平角裤、棉毛套装、运动衣、棉布内衣、裤等多个品种。内销产品畅销全国各地,出口产品销往日本,韩国及欧美市场。建厂六年以来已成为对日本、韩国、欧美服装出口的~~供应商。 公司秉承永远为客户提供优质的质量与服务。将客户的利益放在首位,视质量为生命、尊重人才,鼓励创新、严格管理以确保企业在当今市场上持续发展。
地址:中国山东省海阳市辛安镇工业园 邮政编码:265124 电话:0086-535-3711616 3711566 传真:0086-535-3711080 Email:kangershuang@163.com An Introduction To Haiyang Kang Ershuang clothing limited company Haiyang Kang Ershuang clothing limited company was established in June, 2000, belongs to the knitting processing and saling enterprise, has the import and export operating right.The company is located in the Haiyang Xinan knitting industry garden, which covers 13,900 square meters and staffs 260 people. Its Strategic location, on the south by the South China Sea and north of the QinWei highway, is advantageous. The company is apart from Qingdao 90 kilometers, Yantai 110 kilometers, Wei Hai 150 kilometers, is the intermediate zone of the three cities.
The company owns advanced tailoring equipment, adopts advanced technology and strict quality control and scientific management methods, the annual production of knitted shirts is over 4.2 million.The principal products involve shirts, T-shirts, flat angle trousers, cotton-wool suits,movement clothes, cotton fabric underwear, trousers and so on.Its Domestic products are sold throughout the country, export products are sold to Japan, South Korean and the European and American market..
商铺网址:http://kangershuang.cn.vooec.com |